Play • Presence • Purpose




Life is constantly changing, and every change brings new opportunities. Sometimes these changes seem to be overwhelming, and we often tend to see obstacles rather than opportunities. But what happens if we flip our perspective and become more aware of the choices we have in life?

 As a life coach and improv instructor, I will help you lead a conscious, intentional, and authentic life with joy and sense of play. Let's change your perception, identify your true potential, and encourage you to go beyond your perceived limitations! Book a free consultation today.
















What I do

I make the best brownies ever, (or so I've been told!), I dabble in writing fiction, and I love hiking. But that's just in my free time! My real job is equally as fun as it combines my passion of improv with empowering dynamic individuals, which is why I became a Certified Authentic Leadership Coach (CALC).

I strongly believe in blending the element of play into all aspects of life and work, because according to the great American psychologist Abraham Maslow, "almost all creativity involves purposeful play".  From motivating executives to develop a stronger leadership presence to cultivating individuals to think outside the box, I spark joy and creativity in all aspects of my work and personal life. My mission is to transform you or your team to realize that you can achieve success while still having fun!

Read more about my qualifications and experience >>

Corporate Coaching and improv workshops with Regina Bartolone

Corporate Coaching

Businesses have realized that if they want to be successful then they must have employees that feel motivated to come to work because their jobs are purposeful and meaningful. And if you have employees that care about your company, then they are likely to go the extra mile for you.

I am excited to combine coaching practices with improv to empower your employees through building confidence, enhancing communication, and developing leadership skills while having a laugh in the process!

Enquire about our custom packages >>

Improv workshops for leadership development, building confidence and improving communication skills with Bartolone Coaching.

Improv Workshops

Improv is a fantastic complement to traditional coaching and the tools learned can be used to solve real-world problems while benefitting from a playful, supportive (and silly!) environment.

In fact, the beauty of improv lies in it's necessity to completely trust one another for the spark of creativity that will transform the players into fun, meaningful, and personal connections. Come learn some new skills or practice them in action.

Find out when our next workshop is happening >>


One on one life coaching sessions to discover your authentic self and meet your personal or professional goals.

Leadership Coaching

For me, leadership coaching is creative, playful, and rewarding and is the best way to re-discover your authentic self. It is the ideal tool for anyone who is ready to make a big change in their personal life, or is in the process of making a transition in their career .

My role as your coach is to help you get from where you are now to where you want to be in the most effective and fun way possible. And yes, there might be some challenging questions along the way :)

Discover if life coaching is right for you >>